
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Five Sexiest Funny Girls in Hollywood

This week we're bringing to you the five funniest yet sexy girls of Hollywood. So not only will they make you laugh, but they'll definitely get a rise out of you. Sit back and enjoy.

Anna Faris


Why she's funny: She is pretty good at stealing most of the scenes she's in when playing opposite the main character.

Why she's sexy: Her girl next door looks help, but when you've been cast as a Playboy bunny -- and can legitimately pull it off -- you know you've got to be hot.

Her notable credits: Scary Movie (the first one), The Hot Chick, Waiting, Just Friends

Sarah Silverman

Why she's funny: She has the guts to say the snarkiest/most outlandish jokes possible at any given moment.

Why she's sexy: She can joke around with the guys and look hot while making fun of you. What more can you ask for?

Her notable credits: Sarah Silverman: Jesus Is Magic, Greg the Bunny, Heartbreakers, Seinfeld

Kristen Wiig

Why she's funny: Imagine Molly Shannon and/or Cheri Oteri. Now imagine them being actually funny. That's what you get with Kristen.

Why she's sexy: Aside from being the hottest woman ever on SNL, she is actually even hotter in real life. I know this because we almost banged. Sorry babe, couldn't keep that a secret forever.

Her notable credits: Saturday Night Live, Knocked Up

Elizabeth Banks

Why she's funny: Very versatile with her comedy including the ability to play a funny tramp to perfection.

Why she's sexy: Let me put it this way. She would have made for a better Mary Jane than Kirsten Dunst. Her latest GQ photo shoot only proves that she is insanely hotter than all the other girls on this list.

Her notable credits: Spider-Man series, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Scrubs

Isla Fisher

Why she's funny: Because she's a nut and she writes quite a bit of material herself. Not to mention most of her candid interviews are genuinely funny.
Why she's sexy: She's a cute red head with a great body. 'Nuff said.

Her notable credits: I Heart Huckabees, The Wedding Crashers, Hot Rod


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