
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Big Batch O' Super Hot Daily Links: Oct. 29th

ImageIf they don't work out the Writer's Guild contract we're in for a whole mess of reality.The President of France got a bit huffy with 60 Minutes.

Lovely Bones pictures for all the fanboys! Seriously though guys, there are no Hobbits in this one.

More Lovely Bones news: Gosling says it was just an age thing, not a weight thing, that led to his departure from the set.

Arnie Schwarzenegger sayeth: "Marijuana is not a drug."

Daniel Craig is signed for another four Bond films. Works for me. He's solid.

The first reviews of Lions for Lambs are rolling in. The consensus: Not good.

Kirk Honeycutt crushes Bee Movie. Don't worry, we'll have our own review coming this week.

Is Brit Spears even capable of shocking you anymore? No, seriously.

Brett Ratner is off the Escape from New York remake... or as I like to call it "Film that shouldn't be remade."

Proof that it's who you know, not the quality of the script: Underworld 3 gets greenlit!

The X-Files 2 starts shooting December 10th. Really this just gives me a chance to embed one of the great pop culture songs of all time: Bree Sharp's "David Duchovny, Why Won't You Love Me?"

Paris Hilton has a rom-com coming out in February! Let's get together for a viewing party / bashing.

Could it be true that Brad Pitt is going to be the Unabomber? This feels like one of them "lies" to me.

David Edelstein over at New York Magazine gets to release his American Gangster review early. Why? Because the rules on who gets to print reviews first is hopelessly flawed.

The latest Dark Knight viral site ploy? A rotting pumpkin... that might reveal a picture on Halloween.

I find Christina Ricci attractive here. Sue me.

The threat level is Red (Sox) and our song for the day is "Remain Relaxed" by Karate. That's all for now. See you tomorrow and whatnot.


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